In Service to the Tea Industry since 1968 !


We do Belt Conveyors and Bucket Elevators.

Belt Conveyors: Belt conveyors are perhaps the most commonly used conveyor type. They are used in the food industry in both the processing and packaging of food products. The smooth continuous surface of a belt is ideal for food handling. Belts for food applications must be made of strong, durable materials such as nylon, rubber, polyester, or other materials that are acceptable for use with food products and can be cleaned. They can be used to elevate, decline, or horizontally transport material for inspection, cooling, storing, or conveying.

A belt conveyor consists of two or more pulleys with a continuous loop of material that rotates about them. They are the most economical powered conveyors and are typically used for conveying products over long distances, at high speeds, or for incline/decline applications.We offer for all types of industrial conveyors belt for food and tea industries. The range includes conveyors for conveying light, medium and heavy loads along with different conveying paths like inclination, curve etc. Different types of belt conveyors are provided by us which are available in various materials and dimensions.

Bucket Elevators: Bucket Elevator/Conveyor is one of the most efficient ways to elevate bulk materials vertically. A Bucket Elevator consists of a series of buckets attached to a belt or chain with pulleys or sprockets located at the top and bottom of the unit. The buckets are located in a casing or housing to contain the material. Bulk materials are loaded into each bucket as the bucket moves past an inlet point. KETCO designs and manufactures a wide variety of bucket elevators based on the characteristics of the bulk material and the process requirements.

We offer bucket elevator that is built on rust resistant galvanized or powder coating frames. Mostly, the bucket elevator is used in hauling bulk materials such as grain, material granules, cereals, fertilizer, etc. Available in traditional as well as modern designs, our bucket elevators can be provided with steel buckets & belt as well as plastic buckets with rubber belt.

 Advantages of Bucket Elevators:

  • Designed to handle a wide variety of bulk materials - from average to very free-flowing

  • Many different bucket and casing sizes available.

  • Completely enclosed for dust and weather-tight operation.

  • Inlet section can be control fed or flood loaded with bulk materials.